Alabama News

After Gustav, Will People Be Less Likely to Heed Warnings Next Time?

Millions fled the Gulf Coast in fear of Hurricane Gustav, billed as the apocalyptic “mother of all storms.” It didn’t deliver. Now, with three other storms lining up in the Atlantic, some fear people might not listen next time. New …

Alabama Beach Pool Reports Progress on Coastal Insurance Issues

The Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association, a.k.a. the Beach Pool, released a progress report on a series of coastal insurance recommendations made by a state task force following Hurricane Ivan in 2004. The 20-member hurricane insurance issues task force released its …

Alabama Gov. Names Ridling as State’s New Insurance Commissioner

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley filled a recently vacated opening on his cabinet, naming a commissioner to head the Department of Insurance. Jim L. Ridling takes over the position from Walter Bell, who announced in August he was resigning to become …

Alabama National Guard Providing Relief at 7 Gustav Evacuee Shelters

Alabama Gov. Bob Riley called up 130 Alabama Army National Guard soldiers to perform security missions at seven locations housing evacuees from Hurricane Gustav. Riley called the troops to relieve local, county and state law enforcement officers who have been …

USAA Responding to Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana

A team of 350 catastrophe adjusters and support personnel with USAA are headed to areas of Louisiana affected by Hurricane Gustav. The company’s catastrophe headquarters are planned for Baton Rouge and two satellite offices in Lake Charles, La. and Mobile, …

Gustav only Sideswipes New Orleans

New Orleans can get back to its comeback. Traumatized after losing their homes when Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters broke through the levees that protect this city, Hurricane Gustav ended up a mere interruption in rebuilding. The fragile levees survived their first …

Gustav Insurance Losses Significant but ‘Manageable,’ Less than Katrina’s

Hurricane Gustav, which came ashore southwest of New Orleans on Monday morning, is expected to trigger significant insurance claims but far less than record-setting Katrina did three years ago. “This is a significant, catastrophic event, but insurers anticipate these, and …

State Farm, Allstate Mobilize Catastrophe Teams to Gulf Coast

Two of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. have mobilized their catastrophe teams to aid policyholders in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav. State Farm, the largest insurer of homes and autos in the Gulf Coast, initiated Catastrophe Services operations …

Goodbye Gustav…Hello Hanna, Ike and Josephine

The good news is that Hurricane Gustav has been downgraded to a Tropical Depression as it moves slowly across northwest Louisiana. The bad news is that Tropical Storms Hanna, Ike and Josephine are gaining speed, according to the National Hurricane …


Swiss Re appointed Walter A. Bell chairman of Swiss Re America Holding Corp. Bell, whose appointment with Swiss Re is effective Sept. 2, is currently insurance commissioner of the Alabama Department of Insurance, a position he has held since 2003. …