Alabama News

BP’s Gulf Spill Costs Look Manageable 8 Months Later

As the Gulf oil spill gushed out of control, BP’s financial liabilities seemed big enough to sink the company. No more. Cleanup, government fines, lawsuits, legal fees and damage claims will likely exceed the $40 billion that BP has publicly …

BP’s Gulf Spill Costs Look Manageable 8 Months Later

As the Gulf oil spill gushed out of control, BP’s financial liabilities seemed big enough to sink the company. No more. Cleanup, government fines, lawsuits, legal fees and damage claims will likely exceed the $40 billion that BP has publicly …

Inspections Reducing Mine Safety Violations: U.S. Official

Conducting special inspections to crack down on mines with poor safety records appears to be working, the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration said last week. The agency said it issued 250 citations and orders during so-called impact inspections at …

FACTBOX: 25 Ships and Crews Still Held by Somali Pirates

Somali pirates have released the Marida Marguerite, a German-operated chemical tanker after receiving a $5.5 million ransom, the Kenya-based East African Seafarers Assistance Program said on Tuesday. The tanker was seized in May and released on Monday. Here are details …

Southeast’s Top Stories: Disasters That Happened and 1 That Didn’t

The top insurance stories in the Southeast in 2010 included several disasters that caused considerable death and destruction in the region and one that didn’t do as much harm as feared. The April 20 blowout of BP’s Macondo well while …

Insurers’ Recent Success a Milestone in a Year of Chinese Drywall Litigation

A federal judge in Louisiana recently let 10 insurance companies being sued by Louisiana homeowners over property damage resulting from the installation of defective drywall from China off the hook for coverage from those claims. The early Christmas gift to …

Alabama Tornado Survivors Still Coping 10 Years Later

Whitney Crowder doesn’t remember the day her father died. What happened Dec. 16, 2000, has gone down in state history: Eleven people, including her father and baby brother, died when an F4 tornado hit south Tuscaloosa. It was the single …

Feds Pursuing Fraud Charges Against Oil Spill Claimants in 5 States

A woman was indicted last week in the Eastern District of Louisiana for allegedly filing fraudulent claims for compensation due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Four other individuals were also charged last week in Alabama, Michigan, and Mississippi for …

Insurance Vital to Alabama Coast Long-Term Plan, Says Commission

Coastal Alabama should seize the BP Gulf oil disaster as an opportunity for “resiliency planning” that will not only help the region recover from the oil damage but also put it in a position to better recover from any future …


Insurance broker Marsh appointed Peter Mavraganis as U.S. leader of its renewable energy practice. Mavraganis, based in New York, will oversee Marsh’s support for its clients in renewable energy development, including solar, wind, biomass, and biofuel energy projects. He has …