Alexander Acosta News

Labor Chief Will Let Fiduciary Rule Go Into Effect in June While Seeking Further Review

The U.S. Labor Department will implement its fiduciary rule on June 9 with no further delays, U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said on Tuesday. The department’s rule, which requires brokers offering retirement investment advice to act in the best interest …

Trump Labor Secretary Thinks Obama Overtime Rule Needs Review

President Donald Trump’s nominee for labor secretary expressed support for increasing the salary threshold at which overtime currently must be paid to employees, but criticized the doubling in the rate put in place by the Obama administration. During Alexander Acosta’s …

From Fiduciary Rule to Overtime: What to Expect from Trump Labor Nominee Acosta

By the time President Donald Trump’s first nominee for labor secretary withdrew from consideration, there was little doubt where he stood on the big issues facing the department. In contrast, his replacement, Alexander Acosta, heads into his hearing Wednesday with …