alternative capacity News

Cardinal Re Launch Takes Hiscox’s ILS Assets to More Than $600 Million

Kiskadee Investment Managers, Hiscox Re’s insurance linked securities (ILS) operation, has launched Cardinal Re Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled special purpose insurer designed to transform collateralized insurance and reinsurance risk into a security more suited for capital market investors. The launch of …

Reinsurers Expect Continued Downward Pressure on Pricing During 2016

The world’s largest reinsurers and brokers see little relief in pricing in 2016 amid a relentless influx of alternative capital from pension funds and one of the past decade’s quietest years for catastrophe losses. Rates for property-and-casualty reinsurance are expected …

A.M. Best: Global Re Stocks Underperform as Catastrophe Prices Drop

Stocks for publicly traded reinsurance companies (including the four large European reinsurers) performed well below the overall market through the third quarter of 2014, driven in part by the increased volatility in the overall equity markets and amplified by continued …

Weakening Operating Fundamentals Tip Reinsurers’ Outlook to Negative: A.M. Best

A.M. Best announced that it has “revised its ratings outlook on the global reinsurance sector to negative from stable, citing the significant ongoing market challenges that will hinder the potential for positive rating outlooks or upgrades, and over time, may …