alternative capital News

Industry Pioneer Catlin on Insurance and Environmental Concerns

Stephen J.O. Catlin has led the company/group that bears his name since 1984. He’s seen it grow into the biggest syndicate at Lloyd’s with gross premiums written of $5.5 billion. He was the first to move the company’s domicile to …

ANV’s CEO Matt Fairfield Tells What it’s Like to Run a Global Insurer

R. Matthew “Matt” Fairfield, the Founder and CEO of ANV, is the epitome of a global insurance executive. He lives in Spain, runs a company based in the Netherlands, which in turn runs a Lloyd’s syndicate and does extensive business …

Alternative Capital Dominates Discussions at Reinsurance Rendez-vous

The 57th Reinsurance Rendez-vous is winding down, and, while it’s been another successful networking opportunity for the re/insurance industry’s movers and shakers, most of the discussions have ended on a note of uncertainty. The elephant in the room this year …