amazon cargo plane crash News

Recording Indicates Amazon Cargo Plane Crew Lost Control Seconds Before Crash

Recorded conversations by pilots on a cargo jet carrying packages for Inc. that crashed last month near Houston reveal they began losing control of the aircraft about 18 seconds before it slammed into a shallow bay, investigators said Tuesday. …

NTSB: Second Black Box from Doomed U.S. Cargo Plane Found in Texas Bay

Searchers combing a shallow Texas bay have recovered the second of two flight recorders from a cargo plane hauling Amazon packages that crashed last week, the National Transportation Safety Board said on Sunday, two days after finding the first. The …

Amazon Crash Points to Lax Safety for Cargo Operations Compared to Passenger Airlines

Passenger airlines in the U.S. have recorded a remarkable period of safety over the past 10 years. Not so the nation’s cargo planes. Five domestically registered aircraft have crashed since 2009 — killing 16 people — including Saturday’s violent plunge …

3 Killed in Amazon Cargo Plane Crash Near Houston

A widebody cargo plane hauling packages for Amazon abruptly plunged out of the sky and slammed into a bay on Saturday as it was preparing to land in Houston. All three people on board were killed. The Boeing Co. 767-300, …