Amazon drone delivery News

Amazon Reveals Unique Delivery Drone; FAA Grants Limited Testing Approval Inc. has unveiled a revolutionary new drone — part helicopter and part science-fiction aircraft — that the company expects to use for test deliveries of toothpaste and other household goods starting within months. The new device takes off vertically, …

U.S. to Expand Testing of Drones

President Donald Trump launched a program on Wednesday to expand testing of drones to include flights over people, nighttime operations and flights out of sight of the operator, the White House said. The pilot program aims to speed up the …

Drone Delivery Fleets Counting on Hyperlocal Weather Forecasts

Imagine a weather report so precise it provides wind-gust forecasts for individual city blocks. Such micro-weather data may soon become a reality—and a necessity for future fleets of delivery drones. As Inc., United Parcel Service Inc., Domino’s Pizza Inc., …