American Academy of Neurology News

Study Links Exposure to Formaldehyde at Work to Cognitive Problems Later

A new study suggests that long-term exposure to formaldehyde during work may be associated with cognitive impairment later on. A variety of jobs expose people to formaldehyde, a strong-smelling gas used in manufacturing wood and chemical products, plastics and in …

All Those World Cup Headers Could Throw Players Off-Balance

Football or soccer players who tend to head the ball a lot may be more likely to have balance problems than players who do not head the ball as often. “Soccer headers are repetitive subconcussive head impacts that may be …

Florida Researchers Find 40% of Retired NFL Players Had Brain Injury

More than 40 percent of retired National Football League (NFL) players in a recent study had signs of traumatic brain injury, according to medical researchers from Florida. The findings were based on sensitive MRI scans — called diffusion tensor imaging …

Doctors Offer Guidelines on Sports Concussions

When athletes are suspected of having a concussion, they should be taken out of action immediately, new guidelines from a major medical group say. The American Academy of Neurology said athletes shouldn’t resume playing until they’ve been fully evaluated and …