American Civil Liberties Union News

School District and Satanic Temple Reach Agreement Over After School Satan Club

An eastern Pennsylvania school district has reached a settlement with The Satanic Temple in a lawsuit that alleged the district discriminated against students by barring one of the group`s After School Satan clubs from using a school building earlier this …

Federal Judge Overturns South Carolina School Mask Ban; Dept. of Education to Comply

A federal judge Tuesday suspended South Carolina from enforcing a rule that banned school districts from requiring masks for students. Parents of disabled children, helped by the American Civil Liberties Union, sued the state saying the ban discriminated against medically …

School Board in Virginia to Pay ACLU’s Legal Costs Over Bathroom Lawsuit

A school board in Virginia has agreed to pay $1.3 million in legal costs to the American Civil Liberties Union after the nonprofit spent six years representing a student who sued over the board’s transgender bathroom ban. Gavin Grimm’s suit …

U.S. Goes on Offense to Fight Growing Threat of Cyber Attacks

For the last several years, FBI agents debated turning the tables on hackers by remotely accessing breached computer networks and booting out the attackers caught in mid-hack. They got their chance earlier this year after state-backed Chinese hackers compromised thousands …

Amazon Continues Moratorium on Police Use of Its Facial Recognition Software Inc. said on Tuesday it is extending until further notice a moratorium it imposed last year on police use of its facial recognition software. The company had halted the practice for one year starting in June 2020. Its announcement …

Alabama Transgender Driver’s License Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

Alabama’s policy requiring a transgender person to undergo full gender reassignment surgery before they can change the sex on their driver’s license is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Friday. U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson said Alabama policy’s that people “can …

Lawsuit: Nebraska Meatpacking Plant Did Not Protect Workers from Virus

A Nebraska meatpacking plant has been accused in a lawsuit of failing to take adequate precautions to protect workers from the coronavirus. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the federal lawsuit on Nov. 23 against Noah’s Ark Processors in Hastings, …

Facing Bias Claims, Facebook Will Revamp Its Platform for Housing, Jobs, Credit Ads

Facebook Inc has agreed to change its paid advertising platform as part of a wide-ranging settlement to prevent discriminatory and “harmful” practices, the company and U.S. civil rights groups said on Tuesday. Under the agreement, Facebook will create a new …

Orlando Ends Facial Recognition Program with Amazon

Orlando has stopped testing Amazon’s facial recognition program after rights groups raised concerns that the service could be used in ways that could violate civil liberties. The Florida city ended a pilot program last week after its contract with …

North Carolina Sued for Revoking Licenses Over Traffic Fines

Because he can’t pay $228 in traffic fines, Seti Johnson faces revocation of his North Carolina’s driver’s license, which means he won’t be able to drive to the job he hopes to get soon. For Sharee Smoot, the amount keeping …