American Meteorological Society News

Activist Group Calling for Immediate Halt to Insuring Fossil Fuels

A letter to the world’s insurance companies from a climate activist group calls on the industry to immediately stop insuring companies and projects that promote the expansion of coal, oil and gas, and phase out all insurance services for fossil …

Meteorological Society Details Extreme Weather Made More Likely by Climate Change

The American Meteorological Society released a report this week detailing some of the extreme weather events made more likely by human-caused climate change in 2020. The report, Explaining Extreme Events in 2020 from a Climate Perspective, presents 18 peer-reviewed analyses …

American Meteorological Society Report Confirms 2016 Was Warmest Year on Record

A new State of the Climate report released today by the American Meteorological Society has confirmed that 2016 surpassed 2015 as the warmest year in 137 years of recordkeeping. The report was compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s …

Trump’s Proposed Cuts to NASA and NOAA Could Impact Forecasting, Modeling

Funding cuts proposed in a White House budget that has been on the table for months spook some experts who are concerned that the ability to do everything from model changes in the climate to forecast the day-to-day weather could …

Turning Tornado Debris Into Better Storm Warnings

Photos and mementoes that were snatched up and blown hundreds of miles during tornados in the south of the United States two years ago are giving researchers new insight on how debris is carried by the storms and how it …

National Weather Service Chief Focused on Improving Forecasting

Computing power gives Europeans a commanding advantage when it comes to weather forecasting and storm tracking, but the new head of the National Weather Service hopes to see the United States regain its leadership in that crucial field. “Our global …