American Property Casualty Insurers Association News

Insurers See California EV Sales Trends Driving Rate Filing Approval Urgency

Vehicle pricing was a major concern during the inflationary environment that dominated headlines in 2022, however a new report shows sales of electric vehicles in California rose by more than 50% last year from 2021 with an estimated increase in …

California Commissioner Wants Discounts from Insurers in New Wildfires Framework

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara on Wednesday submitted an insurance pricing regulation to the California Office of Administrative Law to recognize and reward wildfire safety and mitigation efforts made by homeowners and businesses. The regulation is said by Lara’s office …

Insurers Call California Climate Disclosure Bill ‘Potentially Dangerous’

An insurer group is unhappy with new legislation to require insurance companies operating in California to disclose investments in fossil fuel-related entities as well as the fossil fuel-related companies and projects being underwritten. Assembly Bill 1694 expands upon the disclosures …

California Commissioner Calls on Insurers to Do More to Boost Wildfire Prep

California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara called for property insurers in the state to step up and do more to help residents and businesses deal with wildfires. Lara on Thursday gave an update on the actions and communities in the state …

Insurers Oppose Premium Tax to Fund Washington’s Wildfire Prevention

Lobbyists for the property/casualty insurance industry are trying to prevent a $125 million jump in the state of Washington’s insurance premium tax that would fund wildfire prevention and suppression. The tax would affect home, auto and business insurance in an …