American Psychological Association News

Employees Find Vacation Benefits Short-Lived, Don’t Offset Stressful Work Culture

Taking time off helps the majority of U.S. workers recover from stress and experience positive effects that improve their well-being and job performance, but for nearly two-thirds of working adults, the benefits of time away dissipate within a few days, …

Since the Election, Political Talk in Workplace Hurting Job Performance: Poll

American workers are more likely to say they are feeling stressed and less productive because of political discussions at work now than before the 2016 presidential election, according to survey results released by the American Psychological Association. The survey found …

Bad Attitude: Cynical Employees Earn Less Than Others

Holding cynical beliefs about others may have a negative effect on one’s income, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. “While previous research has associated cynicism with detrimental outcomes across a wide range of spheres of life, including …