analysis News

RMS Expert Explains Role of ‘Social Network’ in Tracking Down Bin Laden

The arcane world of spies, informers, terrorists and the people who have to deal with them remains largely a mystery to most ordinary citizens. But when those efforts produce spectacular results, as in the tracking down and killing of Osama …

Best Finds P&I Clubs in ‘Good Financial Position’ to Face Testing Times

A.M. Best Co. has released a briefing addressing the marine protection and indemnity (P&I) market, which indicates that the” insurers operating in the P&I market went into the February 2011 renewal period in a good financial position.” “Reported balance sheets …

S&P: Outlook Negative on 9 Japanese P/C Insurers; Ratings Affirmed

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has conducted a detailed analysis of 15 Japanese P/C insurers, and has made several adjustments in its ratings following the earthquake and tsunami, which hit the country on March 11. S&P has revised the outlooks …

Allianz Nat Cat Analysis: Economic Growth a Major Factor for Increased Losses

Experts on natural catastrophe risk at Allianz have highlighted the growing trend in insured losses arising from natural catastrophes worldwide in a risk briefing – the “Allianz Risk Pulse: Focus Natural Catastrophes.” Allianz points out that the “average annual cost …

Best Comments on Rating Impact of Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami

A.M. Best Co. has issued a bulletin indicating that it does not “expect an immediate rating impact on Japanese non-life insurers and reinsurers due to the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan. However, the capitalization level will decrease by a …

EQECAT Analyzes Specific Exposures from Japan Quake/Tsunami

Catastrophe modeling firm EQECAT has issued a bulletin describing the potential insured market losses and summarizing the various impacts of Japan’s insurance market with its specific inclusions and exclusions. Earthquake Shaking (EQ Shake) EQECAT identified this as the biggest exposure …

Best Comments on Impact of Christchurch Earthquake on New Zealand P/C Insurers

A.M. Best’s London office announced that it “has begun to assess the financial impact of the Feb. 22, 2011 Christchurch earthquake on New Zealand’s non-life insurance industry, and it expects capital erosion will result in some local company ratings being …

Aon Benfield Analyzes Chile Quake ‘One Year On’

Aon Benfield, the global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor of Aon Corporation, has launched its new report: ‘Chile: One Year On’ ,which highlights how the earthquake tested the reinsurance market and outlines steps for insurers to prepare for future catastrophes. …

Mercer Report Concludes ‘Trillions of Dollars at Stake’ from Climate Change