andarko News

Trial Over, Judge to Decide Extent of BP’s Penalties for Gulf Oil Spill

The latest phase of a trial to determine how much BP should pay in Clean Water Act penalties for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill — which could reach $13.7 billion — ended on Feb. 2, but a decision …

Federal Appeals Court Reaffirms BP’s Liability in Gulf Oil Spill

A federal appeals court panel has reaffirmed its ruling that BP is liable for federal Clean Water Act damages stemming from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the latest loss for the oil giant as it fights court decisions …

Texas Joins Flood of States Suing BP over 2010 Gulf Spill

Texas has joined the crowd of Gulf of Mexico states to file suit against BP Plc, Halliburton Co and others for their role in one of the worst oil spills in U.S. history. The complaint, filed Friday in U.S. District …