anti-bribery law News

Business Groups Sue SEC Over Dodd-Frank Anti-Bribery Rule

Four business groups on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s new rule requiring oil, mining and gas companies to disclose payments they make to foreign governments. The lawsuit marks the latest in a string of …

U.S. Drops Major Anti-Bribery Prosecution

The Obama administration on Tuesday dropped a major bribery prosecution that had been part of a campaign to crack down on corruption after the government suffered several setbacks in court in a case involving military equipment sales. Federal prosecutors moved …

U.S. Firms Seek Clarity on Anti-Bribery Law

U.S. corporations asked the government to explain what it considers a bribe of a foreign official, saying the lack of clarity has had a chilling effect on business. The Chamber of Commerce and dozens of other trade groups wrote a …

Business Lobby Looks to Soften Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has put reshaping a U.S. anti-bribery law near the top of its legislative wish list, setting up a battle pitting the powerful business lobby group against supporters of the statute who say it helps fight …