Aptiv News

Boston Approves NuTonomy Self-Driving Car Testing Citywide

A self-driving car company is getting the green light to test its vehicles on a Colonial-era street network with a reputation for aggressive human drivers. Boston city officials announced Wednesday that they’ve granted permission to NuTonomy to test its autonomous …

Supplier Claims Uber Disabled Its Safety Tech in Volvo That Caused Pedestrian Fatality

Uber Technologies Inc. disabled the standard collision-avoidance technology in the Volvo SUV that struck and killed a woman in Arizona last week, according to the auto-parts maker that supplied the vehicle’s radar and camera. “We don’t want people to be …

Self-Driving Delivery Cars, Robot Taxis ‘Will Be Ready to Roll’ in 2018

Self-driving vehicles will be ready to roll next year, though the work to make them affordable to individual consumers is still “in the first inning,” according to the CEO of a company working on the technology. Initial autonomous auto customers …

Cost of Driverless Vehicles to Drop Dramatically: Delphi CEO

Delphi Automotive Plc, which is changing its name to Aptiv Inc., wants to cut the cost of self-driving cars by more than 90 percent to around $5,000 by 2025, according to Chief Executive Officer Kevin Clark. Aptiv, which starts trading …