Arctic News

Arctic Has Warmest Winter with Sea Ice at Record Lows: Weather Data

Winter at the top of the world wimped out this year. The Arctic just finished its warmest winter on record. And sea ice hit record lows for this time of year, with plenty of open water where ocean water normally …

Thawing Arctic Ice Creates New Environmental Risks as Shipping Routes Open

The Arctic is thawing even faster than lawmakers can formulate new rules to prevent the environmental threat of heavy fuel oil pollution from ships plying an increasingly popular trade route. Average Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as elsewhere …

Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low; Expected to Keep on Melting

The world’s Arctic ice cap has shrunk to a new low, surpassing a record set only five years ago, and is expected to keep retreating for a few more weeks, according to U.S. data released on Monday. The Arctic sea …

NSIDC: Arctic Ice Melting at Faster Rate than 2007 Record Year

The latest report from the National Snow & Ice Data Center reports that “Arctic sea ice extent during the first two weeks of August continued to track below 2007 record low daily ice extents. “As of August 13, ice extent …

Lloyd’s Details ‘Growing Impact of Climate Change’ as UN Meets

Lloyd’s has published a roundup of the environmental issues inherent in as the world grows warmer. The recently concluded Rio +20 Conference was an attempt – 20 years after the first conference – “to try to reach agreement on sustainable …

Melting Arctic May Redraw Global Geopolitical Map

This year’s frenzy of oil and gas exploration in newly accessible Arctic waters could be the harbinger of even starker changes to come. If, as many scientists predict, currently inaccessible sea lanes across the top of the world become navigable …

Allianz Analyzes Marine Risks – 100 Years after Titanic Disaster

Specialist marine insurer Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS) has taken an in depth look at the current state of marine insurance 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic. That legendary disaster led to improved safety requirements for ocean …

Arctic Ice Melt Lifts Hopes for Russian Maritime Trade

When severe snowstorms prevented life-sustaining fuel supplies from reaching the frozen Alaskan town of Nome, U.S. officials turned to a Russian company for help. The relief mission through perilous, ice-choked seas was the first mid-winter fuel delivery to western Alaska, …

Insurers Worry 2012 Will Top 2011 for Record Weather Disasters

From floods that crippled countries, to mega cyclones, huge blizzards, killer tornadoes to famine-inducing droughts, 2011 has been another record-breaker for bad weather. While it is too early to predict what 2012 will be like, insurers and weather prediction agencies …

US Data Center Study Finds Arctic Ice Melts to Second Lowest Level Ever

Sea ice on the Arctic Ocean shrank to its second-smallest extent since modern records began, in keeping with a long-term trend, the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center reported Thursday. The annual sea ice minimum was reached on Sept. …