Arctic pollution News

Russian Mining Giant Nornickel Fined $2 Billion for Huge Arctic Fuel Spill

MOSCOW – Russian mining giant Norilsk Nickel was fined $2 billion on Friday for the damage caused by a huge fuel spill last year in the country’s worst environmental disaster in the Arctic. The leakage in May of 21,000 tonnes …

Insurers Face Liability Uncertainties as Ships Begin to Sail Through Arctic Waters

When Captain Will Whatley guides a ship through Arctic waters, he is starkly aware of what can go wrong. Double the manpower is needed to navigate. Lookout shifts are kept to just one hour, so sailors don’t lose concentration and …

Russia Requires Firms to Develop Financial/Insurance Contingency Plans for Oil Spills

President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed legislation requiring companies involved in oil production or handling other hydrocarbons to have adequate resources for a contingency plan in the case of a spill. The law makes it mandatory for companies to have …

Russia’s Nornickel Denies Allegations of Cover-Up over Arctic Oil Spill

Pressure is mounting on Russian mining company Norilsk Nickel over an Arctic oil spill that has wiped about 17% off its share price, left it with a hefty compensation bill and exposed it to accusations of covering up the full …

Russian Regulator Seeks $2B in Damages from Nornickel for Arctic Fuel Spill

Russia’s environmental watchdog has asked a power subsidiary of Russian mining giant Norilsk Nickel (Nornickel) to pay almost 148 billion roubles ($2 billion) in damages over an Arctic fuel spill in Siberia. Rosprirodnadzor said in a statement on Monday that …

Unprecedented Arctic Diesel Spill Angers Putin and Could Force Green Reform in Russia

The mishandling of the biggest Arctic oil spill ever infuriated Russian President Vladimir Putin and could give a boost to the country’s environmental regulation. MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC, Russia’s biggest miner, didn’t make a public statement until two days after …

Massive Fuel Spill in Siberia Blamed on Melting Permafrost – or Climate Change

A massive fuel spill in Siberia prompted Russia to declare a state of emergency in the region as the mining company involved said the catastrophe may have been caused by climate change. Scientists have warned for years that thawing of …