Arctic News

Study Forecasts Ice Melt Will Close off Arctic’s Interior Riches

Global warming will likely open up coastal areas in the Arctic to development but close vast regions of the northern interior to forestry and mining by mid-century as ice and frozen soil under temporary winter roads melt, researchers said. Higher …

Arctic Nations Step up Cooperation on Safety, Oil Spills

Arctic nations agreed on Thursday to improve cooperation including on preventing oil spills as a thaw of ice and snow opens access to the remote region’s rich mineral and petroleum resources. The Arctic Council, comprising eight countries that surround the …

Arctic Nations Meet to Chart Future of World’s Final Frontier

Leaders of Arctic nations will gather in Greenland this week to chart future cooperation as global warming sets off a race for oil, mineral, fishing and shipping opportunities in the world’s fragile final frontier. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton …

World Sea Levels Could Rise over Five Feet by 2100

Quickening climate change in the Arctic including a thaw of Greenland’s ice could drive world sea levels by up to 1.6 meters (5 ft. 3 in.) by 2100, an international report said on Tuesday. Such a rise — above most …