Arizona self-driving cars News

Waymo Self-Driving, Fare-Generating Taxis Hit the Road in Arizona

Alphabet’s Waymo on Wednesday launched a significant development in its costly, decade-long quest for autonomous transportation: self-driving taxis that actually generate fares. With little fanfare, the company has begun charging passengers to use its driverless vehicles in a roughly 100-mile …

Daughter of Pedestrian Killed by Uber Driverless Car Hires Lawyer

The daughter of the woman killed by an Uber self-driving vehicle in Arizona has retained a personal injury lawyer, underlying the potential high stakes of the first fatality caused by an autonomous vehicle. The law firm of Bellah Perez in …

Liability and Legal Questions Follow Uber Autonomous Car Fatal Accident

The death of a pedestrian hit by a self-driving Uber vehicle in Arizona this week could offer a test of who can be held legally responsible for accidents when a human is no longer at the wheel, legal experts said. …

Waymo Testing Driverless Ride-Hailing Service on Public Roads

Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo will launch a ride-hailing service with no human behind the steering wheel and has been testing the fully self-driving cars on public roads in Arizona, Chief Executive John Krafcik said on Tuesday. The test without a human …