Arkansas News

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Environmental Consultants-Contractors Nuts & Bolts: As part of the comprehensive coverage care suite of products, ELM Insurance Brokers has an addition to its errors and omissions/directors and officers/ employment practices liability/crime and fiduciary suite, environmental liability for consultants and contractors’ …

My New Markets

Youth Recreation Programs Nuts & Bolts: Markel Insurance Co. is offering coverage for youth recreation programs and camps. Coverage includes general liability, umbrella, sexual abuse/molestation, D&O, child abduction, special events, professional liability, property, key employee replacement, auto, crime, and business …

Surplus lines industry sees a flurry of M&As in 2007 despite softening market

The surplus lines market continues to be the insurance industry’s most dynamic sector. Despite softening market conditions, and more recently the subprime lending crisis, it continues to thrive. New products continue to be introduced, while older programs are updated. More …

As motorcycle deaths rise, Feds urge states adopt strict helmet laws

States should require motorcycle riders to wear proper helmets, government investigators urged as part of several recommendations that seek to stem a steady rise in motorcycle deaths. Members of the National Transportation Safety Board unanimously approved the motorcycle safety recommendations, …

My New Markets

Medical Staffing Professional Liability Nuts & Bolts: International Excess Agency Inc. is offering claims-made allied health care stand alone professional liability insurance. A PL/GL combo program is also available. Dollars: $100,000 to $10 million. Carrier: Lloyds of London rated “A” …

My New Markets

Youth Recreation Programs Nuts & Bolts: Markel Insurance Co. is offering coverage for youth recreation programs and camps. Coverage includes general liability, umbrella, sexual abuse/molestation, D&O, child abduction, special events, professional liability, property, key employee replacement, auto, crime, and business …


An article in the sept. 3, 2007, issue of Insurance Journal South Central, “New Rules for Residential Contractors in Ark.,” contained an error. it incorrectly states, “all business owners who opt to exclude themselves must hold a certificate of non-coverage.” …

My New Markets

Medical Staffing Professional Liability Nuts & Bolts: International Excess Agency Inc. is offering claims-made allied health care stand alone professional liability insurance. A PL/GL combo program is also available. Dollars: $100,000 to $10 million. Carrier: Lloyds of London rated “A” …


A gateway crime “Research indicates that auto theft is a gateway crime that potentially leads adolescents to more destructive behavior. … This program explores the relationship among the parties involved when an auto theft occurs and the impact the theft …

My New Markets

Environmental Consultants-Contractors Nuts & Bolts: As part of the comprehensive coverage care suite of products, ELM Insurance Brokers has an addition to its errors and omissions/directors and officers/ employment practices liability/crime and fiduciary suite, environmental liability for consultants and contractors’ …