Arkansas News

Bell to Chair Arkansas Workers’ Compensation Commission

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe will appoint Watson Bell of Searcy to chair the state’s Workers’ Compensation Commission, replacing Olan “Butch” Reeves of Bryant. Reeves will remain chairman of the WCC until mid-January when his new appointment to the Arkansas Public …

Arkansas Agent Sought for Alleged Investment Scam

An Arkansas insurance agent accused of bilking retiree investors out of tens of thousands of dollars and converting the money to his own use is being sought by the Arkansas Securities Department. Terry Mitchell of Greenbrier allegedly raised $92,000 from …

Bradford to Become New Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Jan. 15

Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe will appoint Jay Bradford of Pine Bluff as Commissioner of the Arkansas Insurance Department, effective Jan. 15. Braford will replace Julie Benafield Bowman, whose resignation from the post became effective Dec. 31, 2008. Lenita Blasingame of …

Arkansas Teen Drivers Have Higher Fatality Rates, AAA Says

Teenage drivers in Arkansas have a higher rate of traffic fatalities than any other category of drivers in the state, and the AAA wants the state to further restrict driving by young people. The AAA, formerly the American Automobile Association, …

Louisiana Med Liability Insurer to Return 20% Dividend to Policyholders

Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company reported it will return a 20 percent dividend to all LAMMICO policyholders in Louisiana and Arkansas. Nearly 6,000 policyholders will be affected; the dividend amount is based on policyholders’ written premium as of Nov.21, 2008. …

Other Agency/Brokerage Transactions in 2008

Transactions involving agencies and brokerages other than the Brown & Brown, Arthur J. Gallagher and Hub International (see below) deals in the months announced or completed: January California: R.E. Chaix & Associates Buys Katie Freeman Insurance Services Georgia’s Britt/Paulk Insurance …

My New Markets

The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of 25,000 coverages and programs. To find additional markets, or to submit markets, go to Baby Products MarketScout: gives agents access to a products liability market for baby products. …

Arkansas Lawmaker: Helmetless Motorcyclists Must Have Insurance

Helmetless motorcyclists should be able to prove that they have enough health insurance to pay for any injuries they may incur while driving, an Arkansas state lawmaker has proposed. Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, filed legislation that would require motorcyclists to …

Arkansas Highway Commission: Don’t Raise Speed Limits

The Arkansas Highway Commission has come out against raising speed limits on rural highways because it could increase the number of fatal traffic accidents. Also, it would lower fuel economy for motorists, according to a statement released by the Arkansas …

Study: Flood Program Premiums Do Not Adequately Reflect Flood Risk

Premiums charged by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are inadequate to cover the risk and the program should re-examine its methods for setting rates, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The 2005 hurricanes left the NFIP with …