Arkansas News

Louisiana Still Mopping up From Gustav as Ike Enters Gulf

Hurricane Ike entered the Gulf of Mexico on Sept. 9 and the latest path projected by the National Hurricane Center has the storm making landfall in Texas, possibly near Corpus Christi. Meanwhile, Louisiana is still mopping up from Hurricane Gustav, …

AIR Analyzes Atlantic Hurricane Activity

According to catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide, storm development in the tropical Atlantic was even more active on Tuesday than it was on Monday. AIR noted that “shortly after Gustav came ashore in Louisiana, Hanna began battering the southeastern …

Gustav only Sideswipes New Orleans

New Orleans can get back to its comeback. Traumatized after losing their homes when Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters broke through the levees that protect this city, Hurricane Gustav ended up a mere interruption in rebuilding. The fragile levees survived their first …

Missouri National Guard Travels to Louisiana After Hurricane Gustav

After more than 24 hours on road, a 25-vehicle convoy from the Missouri National Guard arrived on Monday, September 1 in northern Louisiana only hours after Hurricane Gustav hit land farther south, skirting much of New Orleans but still posing …

Goodbye Gustav…Hello Hanna, Ike and Josephine

The good news is that Hurricane Gustav has been downgraded to a Tropical Depression as it moves slowly across northwest Louisiana. The bad news is that Tropical Storms Hanna, Ike and Josephine are gaining speed, according to the National Hurricane …

Hanna Becomes Hurricane Then Stalls; Heads for Georgia, South Carolina

According to catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide, storm development in the tropical Atlantic was even more active on Tuesday than it was on Monday. Shortly after Gustav came ashore in Louisiana on Monday, Hanna began battering the southeastern Bahamas …

The Rise… and Fall… of Workers’ Compensation Second Injury Funds

Second (or subsequent) injury funds (SIF’s) have been abolished in 19 states. Alabama and Maine began this movement in 1992, with Arkansas and New York being the most recent converts; each ending its respective program in 2007. Some states, such …

Bird Prepares to Land After 20 Year Flight with North Carolina Big ‘I’ Agents

Retiring Leader Sees Agency Management Education Program at Appalachian State as Top Achievement After 20 years as an advocate for independent agents, Bob Bird, chief executive officer of the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina, is stepping down. During this …

It Figures

84,000 The Arkansas Department of Health says the state had 84,000 fewer smokers in 2007 than five years earlier. Officials say that since 2002, the percentage of adults who smoked dropped from 26.3 percent to 22.4 percent, according to an …

Business Moves

Apex Global, Benefit Partners Apex Global Partners Inc. acquired Benefit Partners and subsidiaries BP Life and Health Insurance Agency, Benefit Partners Financial Services, BP Risk Partners Insurance Agency and Benesystems. Apex Global said Benefit Partners and its subsidiaries together comprise …