Army Corps of Engineers News

How Push for the Atomic Bomb Spawned Enduring Radioactive Waste Problems in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS (AP) __ The federal government and companies responsible for nuclear bomb production and atomic waste storage sites in the St. Louis area in the mid- 20th century were aware of health risks, spills, improperly stored contaminants and other …

Army Corps Questioned Over $52 Billion Flood Control Plan With Movable Barriers, Gates

PERTH AMBOY, N.J. (AP) — People are asking questions about a storm protection proposal for New York and New Jersey that would be among the most massive and costly flood control projects ever done in America, aiming to prevent the …

No Radioactive Contamination Found at Missouri School

FLORISSANT, Mo. (AP) – Testing by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers found no radioactive contamination at a Missouri school that was shut down last month amid fears that nuclear material from a contaminated creek nearby had made its way …

Investigation Uncovers Significant Radioactive Waste at Missouri Elementary School

FLORISSANT, Mo. (AP) — There is significant radioactive contamination at an elementary school in suburban St. Louis where nuclear weapons were produced during World War II, according to a new report by environmental investigation consultants. The report by Boston Chemical …

Circuit Court Clears Way For Suits Against Army Corps Over Harvey Floodwater Releases

A federal appellate court last week cleared the way for thousands of Houston-area property owners and their insurers to pursue claims for damages after the US Army Corps of Engineers emptied two reservoirs that were holding back floodwaters from Hurricane …

Army Corps of Engineers Completes Post-Katrina Protections in Louisiana

Seventeen years after Hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, the Army Corps of Engineers has completed an extensive system of floodgates, strengthened levees and other protections. The 130-mile (210-kilometer) ring is designed to hold out storm surge of about 30 feet …

Rising Mississippi River Bars Most Nearby Construction

The Mississippi River hit a mark last week that bars most construction work near levees and triggers frequent inspections of those levees. The river edged two-hundredths of an inch (half a millimeter) above the trigger _ a depth of 11 …

Terrebonne, Louisiana Levee System to Get $379 Million in Federal Money

A levee system that protects Terrebonne and parts of Lafourche from Gulf of Mexico hurricanes will receive $379 million in federal money from the infrastructure bill passed by Congress, officials said Jan. 19. U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., said the …

Corps of Engineers Partners With Mother Nature in Flood Control Initiatives

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is known for damming rivers and building levees to keep waterways at bay. But a new initiative seeks natural flood control solutions as climate change brings increasingly frequent and severe weather events that test …

Corps Could Pay $2.1B Louisiana for Hurricane Protection System

The Army Corps of Engineers is getting nearly $12.5 million to help build a Louisiana hurricane protection system and could pay $2.1 billion of the expected cost, officials said. Three Republicans in Louisiana’s congressional delegation announced approval of the construction …