Army Corps of Engineers News

Repairs to Hazardous Lewisville Lake Dam in Texas Likely Delayed

Rising water levels will likely delay repairs to a 160-foot-long landslide along the Lewisville Lake dam, a possible threat to the hundreds of thousands of North Texans who live downstream. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said 16 inches of …

North Dakota Officials Want Corps as Part of River Flood Plan

North Dakota officials are pushing the Army Corps of Engineers to make long-term flood protection for the Souris River Valley a priority. Local and state officials fear that any work they do on a proposed $1 billion protection plan might …

Hurricane Protection System for New Orleans Tested by Army Corps

With hurricane season approaching, the Army Corps of Engineers is running through its plans to better protect New Orleans from flooding and testing pumps and floodgates built around this low-lying metropolis since Hurricane Katrina struck 10 years ago. Corps officials …

Communities at Risk in Wake of Failure to Address Rising Seas

Missions flown from the NASA base here have documented some of the most dramatic evidence of a warming planet over the past 20 years: the melting of polar ice, a force contributing to a global rise in ocean levels. The …

Corps Says Minot, North Dakota Levees Need Repairs

Minot, N.D., is taking steps to upgrade the levees that protect it from Souris River flooding. An inspection report late last year from the Army Corps of Engineers showed a number of problems, such as tree growth, erosion and inadequate …

Army Corps Watching Water Levels at Florida’s Lake Okeechobee

Water levels in Lake Okeechobee have risen to nearly 16 feet. The rising water levels in the shallow lake have prompted the Army Corps of Engineers to fully open locks around the lake to release water and protect the aging …

Supreme Court Upholds Immunity for Army Corps; Rejects Katrina Victims’ Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal from Hurricane Katrina victims seeking billions of dollars on claims that the Army Corps of Engineers added to the storm’s impact by improperly maintaining a shipping channel. The justices today left intact a …

Corps Takes Flood Study To St. James

St. James Parish residents are getting a look at an Army Corps of Engineers plan to reduce storm-surge risk from area lakes in Louisiana. Army Corps officials outlined a feasibility study focusing on risk-reduction possibilities this past week at a …

Court Cuts Corps Back Out of New Orleans’ 17th St Canal Lawsuit

A federal appeals court ruling has added a new twist to a complicated legal property rights case along a canal that was breached during Hurricane Katrina, contributing to the floods over most of New Orleans. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court …

Judge Chides Army Corps over New Orleans Levees

The Army Corps of Engineers built a “tragically flawed” levee system for New Orleans – but isn’t liable for claims that excavation work by a government contractor weakened a floodwall and caused it to breach in two places during Hurricane …