Arnold Schwarzenegger News

California Processes 15.5% Fewer Surplus Line Premiums

State To Increase Surplus Line Requirements The Surplus Line Association of California has processed $1.9 billion in premium for the first six months of 2010, a decrease of 15.5 percent compared to the same period in 2009. The total number …

Calif. Rating Bureau Wants to Lower Recommended Workers’ Comp Rate 2%

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California announced it will be amending its recommended rate filing to the state insurance commissioner, recommending a 27.7 percent increase in the claim cost benchmark, instead of a 29.6 percent increase in the …

Calif. Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau Wants 30% Rate Increase

As expected, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California has submitted a pure premium rate filing to the California Insurance Commissioner recommending a 29.6 percent increase in pure premium rates or “claims cost benchmark” effective Jan. 1, 2011. Pure …

Surplus Lines Bills Await Schwarzenegger’s Signature

The California Legislature has passed two surplus lines insurance bills that have been sent to Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. AB 1708 (Villines), sponsored by the California Department of Insurance, would require the total capital and surplus requirements for nonadmitted insurers …

Calif. Workers’ Comp Insurance Rating Bureau Wants 30% Rate Increase

As expected, the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California has submitted a pure premium rate filing to the California Insurance Commissioner recommending among other things a 29.6 percent increase in pure premium rates or “claims cost benchmark” effective Jan. …

Schwarzenegger Opposes 30% Workers’ Comp Rate

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he is concerned that the recommended 30 percent increase in the workers’ compensation claims cost benchmark will adversely affect state businesses. In a letter he sent to Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, Schwarzenegger said, “We must …

California Commissioner Asked to Raise Workers’ Compensation Rate

The California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau’s Governing Committee has approved the recommendation to allow the pure premium rate in the state to rise by 29.6 perent, as was expected and widely reported. The Committee’s recommendation now goes to state …

Court Rules in Favor of Calif. State Compensation Workers

About 7,900 employees of California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund are entitled to back pay after a state appeals court ruled in their favor over furloughs. The First District Court of Appeal in San Francisco ruled that the same state law …

California Launches Disaster Corps

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has launched the first-in-the-nation Disaster Corps to professionalize, standardize and coordinate trained disaster volunteers statewide. Disaster Corps volunteers will be registered by their local government organization under the Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program and will meet …

Court Rules in Favor of Calif. State Compensation Workers

About 7,900 employees of California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund are entitled to back pay after a state appeals court ruled in their favor over furloughs. The First District Court of Appeal in San Francisco ruled that the same state law …