Arnold Schwarzenegger News

We’ve Come a Long, Long Way Together

It’s been almost a year now since California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 899 into law, giving the state’s troubled workers’ compensation system an overhaul on April 19, 2004. Businesses expected their workers’ comp premiums to go down as much …

Is California’s Comp Market Rebounding?

Seabright. CompWest. Employers Direct. Tevis. These are just some of the names rolling off the tongues of agents and brokers in California these days. Add Everest National, Berkshire Hathaway, and about half a dozen others to the mix, and that …

Insurance Group Staying out of California Workers’ Comp Confirmation Fight

A major insurance industry group is staying out of the Senate confirmation fight over Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workers’ compensation director, another possible indication the appointment could be in trouble. The Association of California Insurance Companies said March 15 that it …

Sexual Harassment Training Now Mandatory in California

For the first time, California now mandates that employers with 50 or more employees provide sexual harassment training to their supervisors. On Sept. 29, 2004, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a statute that requires sexual harassment training consisting of …

Calif. Governor Appoints Berte to CalPERS Board

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that Marjorie Berte, 52, of San Francisco, has been appointed to the Public Employees’ Retirement System Board, according to the Los Angeles Times. Berte is currently vice president of the California State Automobile Association. She will …

California Counties Feeling Winter Blues in the Aftermath of Storms

The recent winter storms that wreaked havoc over the California landscape have resulted in several deaths, injuries, destroyed homes and property, and over 15,000 insurance claims–prompting Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency in seven counties. The combination …

Calif. Lawmaker Accuses Insurers of Gouging, Wants Rate Regulation

Accusing insurers of gouging businesses, a leading Democratic lawmaker announ-ced Jan. 6 that he plans to reintroduce legislation that would regulate workers’ compensation insurance rates. Sen. Richard Alarcon, the chairman of the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee, also said …

Calif. Governor Predicts 30% Increase in State’s Costs Despite Reforms

California’s workers’ compensation costs are going down, even if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget proposal includes big increases in the state’s costs for the program. The Republican governor’s budget predicts the state’s cost of dealing with job-related injuries and illnesses among …

Governor’s Plan Putting Calif. Workers’ Comp Market on Right Track, Says ACIC

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan for reform of the troubled California workers’ compensation system is already putting the state’s system on more stable footing, according to the state’s largest insurer group. Sam Sorich, president of the Association of California Insurance Companies …

2003-2004 California Year-End Legislative Repo

A summary of the most important legislation affecting the industry in the New Year The historic recall of Gray Davis and election of Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California set the tone for the 2004 legislative year. With Schwarzenegger in …