Arnold Schwarzenegger News

Alliance Supports Schwarzenegger’s Reforms

The leadership of the American Agents Alliance is urging all Californians to join Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign to reform the state’s ailing workers’ compensation market. Members of the organization are already collecting signatures on petitions urging legislators to pass the …

Calif. Governor Wants Workers’ Comp Fix in a Week

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger warned state legislators that unless they reach a deal next week to repair California’s costly workers’ compensation system, he’ll bypass them and go to voters to fix the problem. “If we don’t come to an agreement this …

One Step Closer to Reform’

Ironically, there was no shortage of things to write about when it came to filling the pages of our Workers’ Compensation issue. All over the West, workers’ comp has been the hot topic in many states—not just in California. A …


Members of the Independent Brokers and Agents of the West approved eight resolutions at the recent 2004 Installation of Officers and Directors and Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. The first resolution urged the Legislature to complete the job of reforming …

IBA West Membership Approves 2004 Resolutions

Members of the Independent Brokers and Agents of the West approved eight resolutions at the recent 2004 Installation of Officers and Directors and Annual Meeting in Los Angeles. Three of the eight resolutions address the continuing need for workers’ compensation …

Calif. Business Entities Unite Behind Single Ballot Measure to Overhaul Workers’ Comp

Key business organizations from across the state have joined forces to support a single ballot measure on the issue — the Workers’ Compensation Reform and Accountability Act. The Small Business Action Committee (SBAC), the Independent Business Coalition (IBC) working with …


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has displayed strong leadership in addressing workers’ compensation issues by calling the California Legislature into special session to enact further cost-saving reforms to the state’s workers’ compensation system, according to the Association of California Insurance Companies. Reforms …

Industry People Making Moves in 2003

As you will probably notice from this list, it is not scientific, preferential, etc. We retraced news coverage of this past year and tried to come to an agreement on who made headlines. We likely left off a few individuals, …

Industry People Making Moves in 2003

As you will probably notice from this list, it is not scientific, preferential, etc. We retraced news coverage of this past year and tried to come to an agreement on who made headlines. We likely left off a few individuals, …

AIA Says Calif. Workers’ Comp Reforms Need More Work

Recently passed workers’ compensation reforms should reduce costs for California employers, but “now is the time to finish the job and completely fix what has become the most expensive, dysfunctional workers’ compensation system in the country,” states American Insurance Association …