Article 50 News

UK Court Says Parliamentary Approval Needed for Brexit; Government to Appeal

England’s High Court ruled on Thursday that the British government requires parliamentary approval to trigger the process of exiting the European Union, upsetting Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plans. The government said it would appeal against the decision and a …

Suit Seeks to Force UK PM to Consult Parliament Before Initiating Britain’s EU Exit

A lawsuit seeking to force Prime Minister Theresa May to consult parliament before beginning Britain’s exit from the European Union will be taken “very seriously” and may reach the Supreme Court by December, Judge Brian Leveson said. “The court takes …

New Prime Minister ‘Must Protect’ London’s Financial Center in Brexit Talks

Britain’s next Prime Minister Theresa May must find ways to protect London’s financial sector as the country negotiates its exit from the European Union, senior lawmaker Stephen Hammond said on Monday. May is set to succeed David Cameron as leader, …

Market Softening Slows but Rate Stabilization Is Elusive: Willis Re

The June/July 2016 renewal season has seen a continuation in market softening, though the magnitude of rate reductions is slowing, according to the latest 1st View Renewals report from Willis Re, the reinsurance business of Willis Towers Watson. Capacity withdrawals …

London Re/Insurance Market Will Weather Brexit Storm: Execs

Brexit has created great uncertainty for the UK, the European Union and perhaps the world. Pretty much everyone agrees on that. But there is less agreement about how an EU exit will affect London’s financial center. Some are very gloomy …

Legal Expert Assesses 4 Scenarios to Put Brakes on Brexit

As continental powers pressure a nervous Britain to formally apply to exit the European Union, die-hard “remain” supporters are taking on the mission to put the brakes on the so-called Brexit. The challenge is formidable: Britons turned out en masse …

Brexit or ‘Regrexit’? That Is Still the Question…

To leave, or not to leave: that is the question. Still. After Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union, there is no indication that a so-called Brexit will happen soon. It maybe never will. Prime Minister David Cameron, who …

China’s Draft Cyber Security Law Worries Multinationals, Internet Providers

China’s parliament has published a draft cyber security law that consolidates Beijing’s control over data, with potentially significant consequences for internet service providers and multinational firms doing business in the country. The document, dated Monday but picked up by state …