artificial intelligence (AI) News

Google’s Rush to Win in AI Led to Ethical Lapses, Employees Say

Shortly before Google introduced Bard, its AI chatbot, to the public in March, it asked employees to test the tool. One worker’s conclusion: Bard was “a pathological liar,” according to screenshots of the internal discussion. Another called it “cringe-worthy.” One …

Elon Musk Says He Will Launch Rival to Microsoft-Backed ChatGPT

Billionaire Elon Musk said on Monday he will launch an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that he calls “TruthGPT” to challenge the offerings from Microsoft and Google. He criticized Microsoft-backed OpenAI, the firm behind chatbot sensation ChatGPT, of “training the AI …

Senate Leader Calls for AI Rules as ChatGPT Surges in Popularity

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday he had launched an effort to establish rules on artificial intelligence to address national security and education concerns, as use of programs like ChatGPT becomes widespread. Schumer, a Democrat, said in a statement …

AI ‘Trustworthiness’ Is Focal Point of New Government Inquiry

A US Commerce Department agency is opening an inquiry into how companies and regulators can ensure that artificial intelligence systems are trustworthy, legal and ethical. The probe by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration will focus on the best methods …

Biden Eyes AI Dangers, Says Tech Companies Must Make Sure Products Are Safe

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday it remains to be seen whether artificial intelligence (AI) is dangerous, but underscored that technology companies had a responsibility to ensure their products were safe before making them public. Biden told science and …

AI Leaders Urge Labs to Halt Training Models More Powerful Than ChatGPT-4

Artificial intelligence experts and industry leaders, including Elon Musk, University of California Berkeley computer science professor Stuart Russell and Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Wozniak, are calling on developers to hit the pause button on training powerful AI models. More than …

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Calls for AI Regulation

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Thursday called for regulation of artificial intelligence technology to ensure it does not hurt growth or become a national security risk, a departure from the business lobbying group’s typical anti-regulatory stance. While there is …

As ChatGPT’s Popularity Explodes, U.S. Lawmakers Take an Interest

ChatGPT, a fast-growing artificial intelligence program, has drawn praise for its ability to write answers quickly to a wide range of queries, and attracted U.S. lawmakers’ attention with questions about its impact on national security and education. ChatGPT was estimated …

Getty Images Lawsuit Says Stability AI Misused Photos to Train AI

Stock photo provider Getty Images has sued artificial intelligence company Stability AI Inc, accusing it in a lawsuit made public on Monday of misusing more than 12 million Getty photos to train its Stable Diffusion AI image-generation system. The lawsuit, …

U.S. and EU to Launch First-of-its-Kind AI Agreement

The United States and European Union on Friday announced an agreement to speed up and enhance the use of artificial intelligence to improve agriculture, healthcare, emergency response, climate forecasting and the electric grid. A senior U.S. administration official, discussing the …