Asia-Pacific trade talks News

Negotiators Fail to Reach Pacific Trade Pact; More Talks Expected

High-level negotiations in Hawaii on a trade agreement in the Pacific Rim wrapped up without a final deal as disagreements over dairy and vehicle policies trumped progress in other areas. The dialogue may resume within weeks. During four days of …

Senate Advances Fast Track Trade Bill

The U.S. Senate advanced legislation that would give President Barack Obama enhanced authority to complete free-trade deals including a landmark agreement with Pacific nations. The 60-37 vote Tuesday paves the way for final passage Wednesday. Because the U.S. House has …

Analysts Say Asia-Pacific Trade Talks Could Stretch Well into 2014

Free-trade talks between the United States and 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region could stretch into late next year, especially if Japan joins the negotiations, former U.S. trade officials said on Wednesday. “While it’s true that meaningful progress has been …