assisted living facilities News

Maine Rights Panel Finds Senior Facility Discriminated Against Transgender Woman

Maine’s human rights panel has ruled in favor of a transgender woman who complained that she was discriminated against when she was denied a room by an assisted living facility. The Maine Human Rights Commission voted 3-2 on Monday that …

Study: Hurricane Irma Led to 400 Senior Deaths in Florida Nursing Homes

The aftereffects of 2017’s Hurricane Irma appear to have killed more than 400 senior residents of Florida nursing homes, a new university study shows. Researchers at the University of South Florida and Brown University concluded that 433 additional patients died …

Georgia Elder Facilities Face Allegations of Neglect, Abuse

An investigation into hundreds of senior assisted living and large personal care homes in Georgia turned up more than 600 allegations involving neglect and 90 of abuse by caregivers over the past four years. In that time, at least 20 …

Senior Care Facilities and Their Insurers Try to Keep Up with Aging America’s Falls

Last March, a 103-year-old resident of a Sunrise Senior Living facility in Willowbrook, Illinois, went on a field trip to the movies. Ruth Smith, who used a walker, fell down two concrete steps in the theater and died about six …

New Florida Law Requires Backup Power Sources for Nursing Homes

Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation Monday requiring backup power sources in Florida nursing homes and assisted living facilities, months after the deaths of several residents from a sweltering nursing home that lost power in a hurricane. The legislation require the …

Court Sides with Florida Gov in Battle Over Nursing Home Generators

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has won the first round in a legal tug-of-war over his mandate that nursing homes and assisted living facilities install generators. The 1st District Court of Appeal on Thursday rejected a legal challenge to emergency rules …