Assured Research News

Worst Is Over: Most of Casualty Reserve Hole May Be Filled, Analyst Says

Predictions that the property/casualty insurance industry is in the midst of repeating the type of loss reserving cycle that accompanied the hard market of the beginning year of this century may be overblown, according to an analyst. In fact, William …

Industry Loss Reserves Redundant by $28 Billion: Assured Research

Analysts at Assured Research delivered some surprises in a report on property/casualty insurance industry loss reserves Monday, finding that reserves are $28 billion redundant and predicting that some hard market pricing will stabilize or diminish this year. That industry loss …

Analysts Tally Workers’ Comp Cost of Exposure to COVID-19

While the potential cost of relaxing a tenet of the workers’ compensation system to deal with extraordinary circumstances of COVID-19 could top $50 billion, it’s more likely to be one-fifth of that, an analyst reported recently. States like Michigan and …

P/C Insurance M&As: Deal Value Up, More to Come

Merger and acquisition activity in the property/casualty industry is increasing in deal value and will likely expand from reinsurers to primary carriers, according to two new industry reports. Deloitte said that the average deal size in the sector grew more …