Attorney General Eric Holder News

Corporate Actions May Be Stupid But Not Criminal, Says AIG Chairman

American International Group Inc. Chairman Steve Miller said prosecutors must distinguish between management blunders and criminal actions when investigating corporate behavior. “A lot of executives did things that, in retrospect, look stupid,” Miller said in an interview Monday on Bloomberg …

AG Holder Seeks Tools to Prosecute Executives for White Collar Crimes

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder last Wednesday called for Congress to take steps to help prosecutors build criminal cases against senior Wall Street executives, saying companies often insulated their leaders from responsibility for misconduct. In a speech before New York …

Attorney General Supports National Notification Standard for ID Theft

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, citing the recent massive data theft at retailer Target Corp., urged Congress on Monday to enact a national standard for notifying consumers about such breaches. “This would empower the American people to protect themselves if …

More Justice Department Cases Over Financial Crisis On the Way: AG Holder

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is preparing to announce new cases related to the economic meltdown in the coming months as the Justice Department nears decisions on a number of probes involving large financial firms, the Wall Street Journal reported. …

Lawsuits Could Follow Zimmerman Acquittal

The acquittal of George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer cleared of state charges in the death of black teenager Trayvon Martin, spurred new calls for a federal civil rights prosecution and suggestions the youth’s family may bring a lawsuit. …

U.S. Hits S&P with $5 Billion Fraud Lawsuit Over Mortgage Securities Ratings

The U.S. government is seeking $5 billion in its civil lawsuit against Standard & Poor’s, accusing the ratings service of defrauding investors, in one of the most ambitious cases yet from the Justice Department over conduct tied to the financial …

Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund Too Slow: U.S. Attorney General

The fund oil firm BP set up to deal with compensation claims after last year’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill is working too slowly, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday. The fund is not sufficiently transparent and requires too …