auditors News

‘Big Four’ Audit Firms Targeted for Reforms in UK After Spate of Corporate Failures

Britain set out sweeping reforms of big company audits on Tuesday after high-profile collapses at builder Carillion and retailer BHS in recent years hit thousands of jobs and raised questions about accounting quality. The business ministry detailed changes to auditing …

KPMG Faces $18 Million Fine for Misleading British Regulator

KPMG faces a 14.4 million pound ($17.6 million) fine after admitting it misled regulators during spot checks on audits of construction group Carillion and software firm Regenersis. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), the British auditing regulator, told a London tribunal …

Britain Targets Big 4 Auditors, Company Directors With Reform Proposals

Britain proposed weakening the market grip of “Big Four” auditors on Thursday and making company directors responsible for spotting fraud after the collapses of retailer BHS and builder Carillion. Directors would have to repay their bonuses if the company went …

In Abrupt Turnaround, Olympus Admits It Hid Losses for Decades

Japan’s Olympus admitted on Tuesday it had hidden losses on securities investments dating back to the 1980s, succumbing to weeks of pressure to explain a series of baffling transactions that have put the future of the firm in doubt. The …