Auer deference News

Supreme Court Scales Back Doctrine Giving Deference to Regulatory Agencies

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday constrained the power of federal agencies, scaling back a legal doctrine that calls for judges to give agencies deference to interpret their own rules but declining to eliminate it as four conservative justices wanted. …

Supreme Court May Overturn Tradition of Courts Deferring to Regulatory Agencies

The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative justices expressed doubts about a precedent that business groups and the Trump administration say gives federal agencies too much power to change regulations without notice. In an hour-long argument in Washington on Wednesday, the court …

Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh Seen as Business Friend, Regulation Skeptic

Brett Kavanaugh could add a powerful new voice on the Supreme Court to restrain what government agencies can do, ushering in a new era of tougher scrutiny of federal regulations loathed by businesses. In a dozen years on the U.S. …