austerity News

Swiss Re Reports Italian Insurance Market at ‘Crossroads’ of Change

According to Swiss Re’s latest study – The Italian insurance market: opportunities in the land of the Renaissance – “Italy stands at the crossroads of economic and social change, and therefore offers interesting opportunities for the insurance industry.” The report …

Europe’s Tower of Babel Hampers Solution to Euro Crisis

As Europe considers a leap towards closer integration to try to save the euro single currency, it resembles the biblical Tower of Babel – unable to complete an ambitious project because the residents don’t speak the same political and economic …

ANALYSIS: Big Greek Risk Morphs into More Economic Uncertainty

Greece’s election has averted the immediate threat of a euro break-up, but it does nothing to restore the magic ingredient missing in the European and global economies – confidence. Investors and corporate executives are paid to calculate risk. But they …

Tackling Euro Zone Crisis is Top Priority for G8 Leaders

Leaders of major industrial economies meet this weekend to try to tackle a full-blown crisis in Europe where fears are growing that Greece could leave the euro zone bloc, threatening the future of the common currency. President Barack Obama, the …

Europe’s Austerity Zeal Risks Killing the Patient

Europe’s “no pain no gain” attitude to solving its sovereign crisis risks exacerbating the bloc’s problems, choking off the very growth needed to raise the money to pay down the debt. From Athens to Dublin, and almost everywhere in between, …

Italy Downgrade, Greek Worry Dominate Europe’s Financial Markets

Standard & Poor’s downgrading of Italian debt hit the euro on Tuesday, although stock investors shrugged off the move to push European stocks higher. Markets remain on edge about Greece’s rickety finances and French banking stress and world stocks as …

Banks, Insurers Move Closer to Deal on Greek Bailout

Banks and policymakers moved closer to a deal on Friday to help Athens secure funds ahead of a parliamentary vote on austerity next week that Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou must win to avert default. Despite a refusal by the …