Australia Bureau Of Meteorology (BoM) News

Australia’s Weather Bureau Says El Niño Has Ended, Unsure About La Niña Formation

An El Niño weather event has ended, Australian weather authorities said on Tuesday, adding that they were uncertain if a La Niña phenomenon would form later this year, as other forecasters have predicted. The cycle between the two is hugely …

Australia’s Weather Bureau Declares La Niña for 2nd Consecutive Year

Australia’s weather bureau said on Tuesday a La Niña weather phenomenon had developed in the Pacific Ocean for the second year in a row that could bring above average rainfall across the country’s center, north and east. La Niña is …

Cyclone Ita Landfall in Queensland as Cat 4; Cat 3 as It Moves Inland: AIR Analysis

According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, “Tropical Cyclone Ita crossed the north Queensland coast near Cape Flattery between 11:00 and 12:00 UTC (9-10 p.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time [AEST]) Friday, April 11, as a Category 4 cyclone (on the …