Australia News

SE Asia Death Toll Tops 220,000

More than three weeks after the devastating tsunamis struck 12 countries bordering the Indian Ocean, the death toll continues to rise, as hope for the missing fades. Indonesian officials announced that more than 166,000 people had now been confirmed dead …

Crawford & Co., GAB Robins Adjusters See Tsunami Destruction Up Close

While the official death toll may never be known, the reaction to last month’s killer earthquake and tsunamis in Southeast Asia continues. Insurance Journal recently spoke with several individuals whose companies have seen the death and destruction up close. Crawford …

IIHS Attributes Saved Lives to Fla. Teen-Driving Regulation Changes

Nationwide driver’s license regulation changes which took place as a result of the death of a teenage driver in Florida have resulted in a reduction in the number of automobile deaths caused by teenage drivers according to the Insurance Institute …

UN Needs Aid Pledges Fulfilled ASAP; Warns on Neglecting Other Crises

More than 50 countries have pledged massive amounts of aid to help the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunamis, but the majority of the actual payments are apparently slow in coming. The UN is currently hosting a donor conference in …

Guy Carpenter Introduces Solvency II Capital Benchmarking Tool

Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc., Marsh & McLennan’s risk and reinsurance specialist, has announced the introduction of “Capital Adequacy Projector” (CAP), described as a “capital benchmarking tool designed to help clients prepare for the anticipated regulatory changes as a result …

Worldwide Response to Asia’s Agony; Calls for Donations

As the scope of the disaster that struck 11 countries in the Indian Ocean continues to emerge, the world’s nations are beginning to gear up for what will undoubtedly be the largest collective relief effort ever mounted. The precise death …

S&P Sees No Effect on Australian Insurers’ Ratings from Tsunami Losses

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has issued a bulletin stating that it does not expect Australian general insurers to be materially affected by the cost of insurance claims arising from the Indian Ocean tsunami that struck Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, …

President Bush Tells Asian Leaders U.S. is Committed to Helping in Wake of Devastation

President George W. Bush told Asian leaders that the United States is committed to helping their countries following Sunday’s earthquake and killer tsunamis that have killed more than 60,000 people. The following is a transcript of a statement by President …

Tidal Wave Update: Death Toll Mounts; Aid Effort Underway; AIG Pledge

As scenes of utter devastation played across the world’s television screens, local authorities and volunteer rescue workers continued the grim job of collecting and burying the bodies of the victims who perished in the massive onslaught of tidal waves in …

QBE Americas Increases Capital by $50 Million

QBE the Americas announced that its parent, Australia’s QBE Insurance Group Limited, will contribute an additional $50 million of capital to its subsidiaries in the U.S. to support premium growth. This contribution increases the policyholders’ surplus of QBE the Americas …