Austria News

Catlin Syndicate Leads Coverage for Europe/China Rail Cargo Link

The Catlin Syndicate, the largest syndicate at Lloyd’s of London in terms of premium capacity, is leading the cargo insurance coverage for goods transported by an innovative new rail container service linking Europe with China. The Company’s bulletin noted that …

Lloyd’s Warns on Europe Quake Risks

The early morning earthquake that struck Market Rasen in Lincolnshire recently was literally a wake-up call for many people. (See IJ web site – With likely insured losses of between £15 million and £30 million, the magnitude 5.2 ‘quake …

Lloyd’s Analyzes Europe’s Windstorms

“Winter storms in Europe are like London buses,” says an article on the Lloyd’s web site ( – “You don’t see any for a while and then along come two or three, one behind the other.” The four month European …

Allianz Estimates ‘Emma’ Claims Will Exceed $300 Million

Germany’s Allianz reported that it now estimates that net claims before taxes caused by windstorm “Emma” will be more than €200 million ($311 million). Allianz noted: “Damages are less severe than those caused by “Kyrill” last year (around €346 million …

AIR Estimates Emma Insured Losses at $1.15 to $2 Billion

AIR Worldwide’s preliminary estimates of onshore wind losses for Windstorm Emma are between €750 million and €1.3 billion ($1.15 and $2 billion), significantly higher than the insured loss estimates released by RMS (See IJ web site – Damages in …

RMS Puts Emma Losses at $458 Million to $1.1 Billion

Risk Management Solutions released preliminary loss estimates, following an analysis of the insured exposure from Windstorm Emma (See IJ web site – RMS indicated that they would probably range from €300 million ($458 million) to €700 million ($1.068 billion). …

AIR Assesses Damages from European Windstorm Emma

Boston-based AIR Worldwide is assessing the damages caused by windstorm Emma, which swept across Western and Southern Germany, as well as Austria and the Czech Republic on Saturday, March 1. No damage estimates have yet been made. The storm’s hurricane …

RMS Launches ‘Paradex’ Model for European Windstorms

Risk Management Solutions (RMS) announced the launch of “the first parametric index for assessing insured industry losses from windstorms in Europe.” The new model -” Paradex Europe Windstorm” – combines “wind speed measurements in specific locations with industry exposure data, …

Baloise and Gothaer in Merger Talks on German Insurance Operations

The Baloise Group and Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVaG are negotiating about a strategic partnership and a merger of their German insurance activities. A letter of intent has been signed, the companeis said. Both companies are currently conducting due diligence. The outcome …

Munich Re 2007 Nat Cat Report Warns of ‘Rising Trend’

Munich Re’s loss figures for 2007 from natural catastrophes concludes that “despite the general absence of extreme events, overall economic losses had reached $75 billion by the end of December – an increase of 50 percent on 2006 ($50 billion).” …