auto claim severity News

Viewpoint: Used-Vehicle Prices May Be Cresting but Insurers Still Underwater

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” would be an apt description of the last few years for auto insurers. Immediately after a nationwide, months-long driving hiatus caused collisions to plummet and profits to surge, …

Texas Insurer Hallmark Financial Exiting Binding Primary Commercial Auto Business

Citing loss development for prior underwriting years, Dallas-based specialty property/casualty insurer Hallmark Financial Services Inc., is exiting its Binding Primary Auto business. The commercial auto product the company is exiting is primary coverage written through brokers, who have binding authority …

If Auto Injury Claims Frequency Is Falling, Why Are Claims Costs Rising?

Auto insurance bodily injury claims costs are still increasing in the United States, even though better vehicle safety has helped reduce claims frequency, according to the Insurance Research Council (IRC). The insurance organization said improved vehicle safety, graduated licensing laws …