automated vehicles News

Automakers Support Guidelines for Advertising Partially Automated Vehicles

DETROIT β€”The trade association representing most major automakers is offering guidelines for manufacturers to advertise partially automated driving systems and to make sure drivers are paying attention while using them. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation says its members support the …

U.S. Automated Vehicles Testing Program Expands to 52 Participants

The federal government’s program working with states and developers of automated vehicles has grown from a pilot operation to one with 52 participants. Participants in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s AV TEST program use an online tracking tool to …

Q&A: How Driverless Car Technology Could Impact New York and Other States

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in May signed a budget bill into law allowing self-driving and self-parking cars to be tested for one year on New York public highways. Prior to this law going into effect, the technology was prohibited …