autonomous car accidents News

Google Driverless Car Hit from Behind, Again

A Google Inc. driverless car was involved in the fleet’s first collision to result in injury. One of Google’s vehicles braked during a green light because of congestion, and the car behind hit it at 17 mph and lost its …

Two Self-Driving Cars Avoid Collision, Says Passenger

Two self-driving prototype cars, one operated by Google Inc. and the other by Delphi Automotive Plc, had a close call on a Silicon Valley street earlier this week, a Delphi executive told Reuters on Thursday. It was believed to be …

Google Says Self-Driving Cars Blameless in 11 Accidents in 6 Years, 1.7M Miles

Google Inc. said its self-driving vehicles have been involved in 11 minor accidents in the six years they’ve been in testing, and the automobiles were never to blame for the incidents. All of the accidents during 1.7 million miles of …