Autonomous vechicles News

There’s Still Work to Do Addressing Ethics in Autonomous Vehicles

There’s a fairly large flaw in the way that programmers are currently addressing ethical concerns related to artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous vehicles (AVs). Namely, existing approaches don’t account for the fact that people might try to use the AVs …

The Changing Risk and Liability Landscape: New Tech, New Loss Scenarios

Advancements in technology are changing the risk landscape irrevocably and driving potential big changes in liability, and other insurance, claims activity. The opportunities for business from new technologies such as autonomous machines, artificial intelligence, smart factories and digitalized supply chains …

Waymo Claims Its Driverless Car Would Have Avoided Uber’s Fatal Accident

The head of Alphabet Inc.’s autonomous driving unit, Waymo, said on Saturday that the company’s technology would have safely handled the situation confronting an Uber self-driving vehicle last week when it struck a pedestrian, killing her. Waymo CEO John Krafcik …

Autonomous Car Testing Without Backup Drivers Approved in California

Driverless cars will be tested in California for the first time without a person behind a steering wheel under new rules that state regulators approved Monday for the fast-developing technology. The regulations are a major step toward getting autonomous vehicles …