autonomous vehicle guidelines News

Automakers, Tech Firms Urge Congress to Speed Up Autonomous Vehicles

Major automakers on Monday joined forces with tech companies and a variety of interest groups to urge the U.S. Senate to take up, before the end of May, a stalled bill aimed at speeding the deployment and testing of self-driving …

Driverless Vehicle Makers Get to Steer Own Safety Oversight

The U.S. Transportation Department unveiled a new policy that permits companies developing autonomous vehicles to self-police the technology’s safety, a move that drew plaudits from automakers but criticism from safety advocates. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the policy incorporates concerns …

Automakers Seek Changes to Federal Autonomous Vehicle Guidelines

President Donald Trump’s administration will unveil revised self-driving guidelines within the next few months, the head of the U.S. Transportation Department said on Monday, responding to automakers’ calls for regulations that will eliminate barriers and allow autonomous vehicles on the …