autonomous vehicle liability News

Family Says Tesla Car Did Not Kill Their Son But Regulator Says Tesla Shares Blame

Federal accident investigators are poised to find that Tesla Inc.’s auto-driving system should share blame for a fatal 2016 crash in which a Model S sedan drove itself into the side of a truck. The investigative staff of U.S. National …

Snoozing While Cruising Argues for Full Autonomy in Vehicles

As Ford Motor Co. has been developing self-driving cars, the U.S. automaker has started noticing a problem during test drives: Engineers monitoring the robot rides are dozing off. Company researchers have tried to roust the engineers with bells, buzzers, warning …

How the Age of Autonomous Vehicles Will Evolve

Vehicles with varying levels of self-driving capability will start to become available to consumers as early as this summer and it could then take 20 years for them to be the norm, according to a new report. The pace will …