avian flu News

Avian Flu Outbreak Wipes Out Record 50.5 Million Birds

Avian flu has wiped out 50.54 million birds in the United States this year, making it the country’s deadliest outbreak in history, U.S. Department of Agriculture data showed on Thursday. The deaths of chickens, turkeys and other birds represent the …

UK Orders Poultry Farmers to Take Steps to Stop Spread of Bird Flu

Britain has ordered farmers to enact measures to curb bird flu cases, as the virus spreads in other parts of the world from Europe to the US. The UK government on Monday declared a prevention zone that requires farmers to …

Bird Flu Found in Wild Duck Could Endanger Poultry Industry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Friday confirmed the first case of a highly pathogenic type of avian influenza in a wild bird since 2016 in South Carolina. The virus, Eurasian H5 avian influenza, was found in a wild duck …

Bird Flu Kills Thousands of Migratory Cranes in Israel; No Human Transmission Reported

An outbreak of avian flu has killed more than 5,000 migratory cranes in Israel, prompting authorities to declare a popular nature reserve off-limits to visitors and warn of a possible egg shortage as poultry birds are culled as a precaution. …

Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Ebola, the Zika Virus and Workers’ Compensation

Two tests must be satisfied before an illness or disease can be considered occupational and thus compensable under workers’ compensation: The illness or disease must be “occupational,” meaning that it arose out of the course and scope of employment; and …

Officials, Poultry Producers Hope Nationwide Testing Contains Indiana Bird Flu

In the two weeks since bird flu reappeared in Indiana, U.S. veterinarians have swabbed the mouths of chickens and turkeys across the country, racing to uncover any more infections and contain the virus before it causes mass death and damage …

156K Indiana Chickens Being Euthanized in Latest Bird Flu Probe

Animal health officials investigating a bird flu strain that affected 10 turkey farms in southwestern Indiana have added 156,000 chickens to the list of thousands of birds being euthanized. The Indiana State Board of Animal Health says the egg-laying chickens …