aviation safety News

Mobile Apps Help Lower Fatal Private Plane Crashes

Fatalities in crashes of small private planes have fallen to the lowest levels in decades as industry and government work to address an area of aviation that has lagged behind jetliners in dramatic safety improvements. While aviation crash analysts caution …

Amazon and UK Government Form Partnership to Test Drone Deliveries

Amazon Inc. and the British government have announced a partnership to test the e-commerce giant’s aerial drone parcel delivery system after run-ins over the technology’s use. Supervised by the U.K.’s aviation safety regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority, the trial will …

Cockpit Voice Recorder Retrieved from Doomed EgyptAir Flight

Search teams retrieved the cockpit voice recorder from EgyptAir flight MS804 on Thursday in a breakthrough for investigators seeking to explain what caused the plane to plunge into the sea, killing all 66 people on board. The Airbus A320 crashed …

Investigators Find Main Wreckage Sites of Crashed EgyptAir Flight 804

Investigators found the main wreckage sites of EgyptAir Flight 804, which crashed last month over the Mediterranean Sea with 66 people on board. A search team provided images of the Airbus Group SE A320 jetliner’s remains to authorities, Egypt’s Ministry …

Update: Debris Found from Crashed EgyptAir Plane

Egyptian authorities said they found wreckage and belongings from the missing EgyptAir plane that vanished en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 people on board, marking the first breakthrough in the investigation. Egyptian military aircraft and naval ships Friday …

EgyptAir Plane, Flying from Paris to Cairo, Vanishes from Radar with 66 on Board

An EgyptAir plane headed to Cairo from Paris with 66 people on board disappeared from radar in the early hours of the morning on Thursday, reviving memories of the ill-fated Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that went missing in March 2014. …

Automakers Told They Could Learn from Aviation Industry’s Safety Practices

The U.S. government is bringing together top airline and auto company executives to discuss aviation industry practices such as safety data sharing that automakers could adapt to help reduce car accidents, a leading cause of death in America. The U.S. …

Germanwings Probe Urges Change for Pilots’ Medical Privacy, License-Loss Cover

Pilots would lose privacy protection for health records and airlines would need insurance when the employees lose their license under a proposal from the French air-safety agency that investigated the deliberate crash of a Germanwings passenger jet into a mountainside. …

U.K. Eyes Requiring Drones to Fit Anti-Collision Technology for Aviation Safety

Britain is considering whether civilian drones will have to be fitted with technology intended to prevent collisions with airplanes after a series of near-misses around airports. “The U.K. government and the Civil Aviation Authority are talking to manufacturers about implementing …

Real-Time Tracking to Be Required for Aircraft, After MH370 Disappearance

The U.N.’s aviation agency on Monday announced new requirements for the real-time tracking of civilian aircraft in distress, following the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 two years ago. The International Civil Aviation Organization’s governing council approved proposals for planes …