aviation security News

Major Travel Booking Systems Vulnerable to Hackers: Researchers

Major travel booking systems lack a proper way to authenticate air travelers, making it easy to hack the short code used on many boarding passes to alter flight details or steal sensitive personal data, security researchers warned on Tuesday. Passenger …

UK’s Chancellor of Exchequer to Double Budget to Fight Cyber Terrorism

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced he’ll double funding to strengthen the U.K.’s cyber defenses, while refusing to confirm that budget cuts to be announced next week would spare Britain’s police forces, as Europe braces for further attacks from …

Russian Air Crash Bomb Theories Highlight Insider Threat to Aviation Security

The possibility that Islamic terrorists smuggled a bomb onto a Russian jet flying home from Egypt highlights a new area of worry for aviation security: the insider threat. Instead of focusing on a small cadre of al-Qaeda forces trying to …

Update: Investigators Expected to Quickly Unravel Mystery of Russian Plane Crash

Investigators probing the crash of an Airbus Group SE jetliner in Egypt will focus on how a plane built to withstand extreme turbulence and equipped with devices meant to prevent flight maneuvers that might break it apart could have been …