B3i Services News

Industry’s Blockchain Project, B3i, Ceases to Trade After Filing for Insolvency

The industry’s blockchain project, B3i, has ceased activities and filed for insolvency following unsuccessful funding rounds. “The directors, following consultation with the shareholders, have collectively concluded that there was not sufficient support to continue with the venture at this stage,” …

B3i’s Blockchain Platform Places 30 Reinsurance Contracts, Including Cat XoL Treaties

B3i Services AG, a two-year-old company owned by members of the insurance industry, announced that 30 contracts of reinsurance have been concluded on its platform, including some of the most complex catastrophe excess of loss (XoL) reinsurance treaties. Nine insurers, …

Blockchain Initiative, B3i, Deploys Cat Excess of Loss Product for January Renewals

B3i announced it has released the latest version of its property catastrophe excess of loss (XoL) reinsurance application in time for the January 2020 renewals. The product enables customers and their counterparties to negotiate terms, agree on rates and complete …

China Pacific Insurance Joins Industry Blockchain Initiative, B3i

China Pacific Insurance Group (CPIC) has become the latest investor in B3i, the insurance and reinsurance industry’s blockchain initiative. CPIC’s membership further strengthens B3i’s representation across the global insurance market, said B3i, which now is supported by 18 major insurance …

Carolin Appointed CEO of Re/Insurance Industry’s Blockchain Initiative, B3i

John Carolin has been appointed chief executive officer of B3i Services AG (B3i). Carolin previously served as interim CEO since March 2019 after joining B3i as chief financial officer in March 2018. Carolin’s work experience spans the risk transfer industry …

Industry Blockchain Initiative B3i Gets Ready to Go Live for January Renewals

The industry’s Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative (B3i) announced a year ago it had developed a reinsurance blockchain prototype for a property excess-of-loss (XOL) contract and asked the industry to help test it. The initial results are in. Months of testing …

Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative, B3i, Forms Company Called ‘B3i Services’

The Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative (B3i) announced the incorporation of B3i Services AG in Zurich, Switzerland. The company was formed by the founders of B3i, which previously operated as a collaborative initiative of 15 global insurers and reinsurers who came …